Saturday, February 8, 2014

Horris' Horrific Hex

Hey guys! I have been banging out lots of work since term started and so far, things are going well.

So this is for a class called Story in a Picture by Richard Keyes and we're supposed to make a three part story having to do with a random image he gives each of us in class. Kind of like the triptych I made a while back. So the image I got was this--
which is obviously a horse in an apartment. Honestly some of the pictures that people got looked like they were taken from 9gag. I never put much thought to what stories could be behind those kinds of pictures but I think this is a great exercise that every artist should try out. For me, it was impossible to think up something that was serious or heart wrenching with this image.

so this is the story of Horris, who, by society, would be considered a geek/nerd/outcast/ etc. She is completely obsessed with the most popularest, dreamiest, hunkiest, and handsomest guy in school, Brad Dimpleton. However, Horris takes obsession to the next level. She has gone to great lengths to collect mementos of Brad like locks of his hair, toenails, used tissues, empty waterbottles, and even his jacket. Months of collecting and Horris has all the ingredients required to concoct a love potion. Horris' second obsession is witchcraft and attempts to create her first spell as a 'certified' witch ( obtained from She consumes the potion and something goes wrong. As she stands in front of the mirror, her nose protrudes further and further before her and she stares herself in the mirror. Bit by bit, Horris slowly transforms into a horse and is forced to live a life in the spotlight that she never asked for.
 above are just a few color comps. I tried to work in a different way than I usually-it wasn't really effective until I got to the second batch of color roughs. I'm really hoping to find a better way of doing these this term.

here's a wip of what I have so far-- I'm working slightly different than I usually do but I'm kind of liking the results~ more later! :)
here's panel numero dos!
sorry--no progress shots for this one-- I just had lots to do this week >_< but I'm hoping to revise this one soon!

So I compiled the three images and made an animatic out of it with a little after effects magic! Here's just a rough animation--I'll fix it up later on. This assignment was tons of fun! :)

Horris' Horrendous Hex from Snow Cinder on Vimeo.

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