Thursday, June 21, 2012

Phantom 309 wip

colorizing the Phantom 309 pic in my previous post ;_; omg i'm SOOOOO FREAKING SLOW--that corner took more time than I anticipated (*cough 3 or 4 hours cough*)

I feel a little foolish for putting a lot on my plate especially because I now have a big side project with a looming deadline =_= owalsjfl;asjflkj
but anyhoo--I hope I can use this in my portfolio (minus the angry octopus) once I finish-
See you in t-20 hours!
 (June 21, 2012 2:17 AM)


 Hi guys! here's another update-- I'll just continue on the same post whenever I do wips so that it's more organized :D 
anyhow...around 5:30am, my tablet totally gave out-I tried to keep it plugged into the tablet with rubber bands-I was wiggling the cord too much in there and broke the port ;_; it's kind of unfortunate that this humongo tablet won't work just because of that really small port thingy. I'm hoping some of the people in the student store/ wacom customer service could provide me with some repair information.

but anyways...crappy wacom 1 tablet to the rescue! with absolutely no pressure sensitivity! That proved to be minimally detrimental though--still (sort of) finished it

so--down to business: here's the first pass. Honestly everything in the middle ground and background is too vibrant and the hierarchy between values isn't as obvious as my value break up. I'm getting too distracted by everything in the foreground. The food on the counter is beginning to look like it's a part of the floor too @_@. Dem lemons in the iced tea are so yellow, it's almost as if they were picked off a radioactive lemon tree. So those are some things on my list to fix.  

As for additions, I need to add the 'push' sticker on the door, the poster on the side of the entrance, texture to the floor, and then add the 'today's special' thing in the bottom right corner of the foreground.

But I really did want green in the foreground, yellow orange in the middle ground, and a blue violet for the background.

(June 21, 2012 5:16pm) 


first real pass with all the whistles and bells--i'm so sick of looking at this =_=

June 25, 2011 2:15pm

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