Monday, January 21, 2013

travel diary

hey guys! It's been a while!
I've actually been quite busy since the beginning of break :) really proud that I'm keeping up my work ethic
During that business, I've been able to arrange a 3 month trip to Japan! I'll be studying Japanese language and culture there. Soo I hope to God that I keep up with this diary--thought I'd warm up by getting started on it~just having a couple pages down. I don't know if it's just me but I never knew how much an empty sketchbook could bother/scare me. There are just way too many many things I want to do with it but I'm so afraid of messing up and having to rip out a page and then making something out of the lines of ACCD's design aesthetic =_= then I realize that this is just for fun~ugh brain..stop being such a worry wort.

I wish I thought about the colors more carefully and I didn't properly design anything~just trying to get used to having fun and taking my time on this @_@  please stay tuned for more! I want to try and get at least two or three pages done in this diary for the next 8 weeks with little factoids about Japan, where I'd like to visit, certain mannerisms I need to respect and adhere to, etc. etc.

I was really inspired to start this from Enrico Casarosa's "The Venice Chronicles". I really love his quick and simple little pencil and watercolor drawings of him and his family's adventure around Italy. A trip to Japan isn't something that everyone gets a chance to experience. So I thought keeping a diary would be the best way to help me cherish and appreciate and actually remember every bit of this experience. 

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