sketch for the new orleans street scene (the last gdea assignment).
honestly, I was a little worried because I didn't feel like I could do enough research using books and the internet for Bourbon Street in the 1950s--material is sparse!! D:< it was pretty tough finding images to be inspired by...
so here's a little sneak peek at the colorized version--still need to put in the type and adjust some of the colors..I was working on it till six this morning and it just was not really working for me x_x--still trying to get the hang of using a limited color palettes...
I am trying my hardest not to render and put texture and shadows D:<
ack i forgot to update with a full pic of it!! but here is the finished product! i really wanted to add more detail to it--shadows and textures but it would be a little too overwhelming...but i really want to redo this piece in the style i wanted to do it in!
for the final week, i made some beignets and made a little display in front of my boards---not really the way i wanted it to look like :< but ugh i was running low on sleep! i'll do it again just to put on my blog
08/20/12 12:46 am
i watched paranorman a second time today! still love it just as much :) huhuhu i am planning to do some fanart and just print out zombie posters and put them in my room just for fun! :) let's make this break an awesome one! >:D
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