Monday, December 10, 2012


Hello again!

I finished one of my finals last night--
maya has been a little difficult to master over the past few weeks but now I have a whole new respect for animators now @_@ I do think I want to experiment more with the program though--
I had a lot of fun doing all the voices coming from the television--I was partly inspired by an episode of Adventure Time to just talk that way. I really had little to no idea how to use after effects and garage band before last night--but now that I've had a bit of experience, I can't stop thinking about all the possibilities!! :) I'm thinking of animating some of my own work now! We'll see what happens over break!

Trip - link to the video

Monday, November 26, 2012

Silica 9000 paper toy and packaging detail shots


So I finally have this thing out of my head (except not really)
but here are just some detailed shots of my project
there are little crooks and crannies that don't quite match up and glue fuzzies here and there and that little loop in the spine of the manual is bothering me-- I will have to re-do some things but I'm really looking forward to putting together her fellow butler, Salix 9000
I still need to make a little stand for her to stand on and maybe a little suitcase?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Honolulu Zoo

little update~~
11/24/12 3 AM
tweaked my comp considerably~~the bamboo type is kind of getting busy and then the 'zoo' part looks a little awkward-probably gonna revise that

11/24/12 4:29 p.m
some value and color studies!!
4:32 am

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Robot butler and maid paper toys: Salix and Silica 9000

Working on one of my finals because the class got pushed to week 14 ;_; soo hoping to finish it really soon so I have more time to work on other things....

11/25/12 2:33pm
Hello again! I've gotten quite far with this project. It's something I absolutely cannot get out of my head--I can't stop thinking about it because I'm just so excited to finish it haha. I don't know if I've ever felt this way about a project before but I am seriously having the time of my life on this one haha, I've been up till 6-7 am almost every morning this week just working on this thing. Sadly I think I can only do one for the final but I am expecting it to be kick ass!! 

Meet Silica 9000, the all-in-one robot. (And yes, like the small silica packages in shoe boxes that tell you to not eat them)

I was finally able to find a box for it--you know when you get a piece of junk that you think you might use in the future so you keep saving it and think about whether or not to throw it away? Well this is one of those cases where being a pack rat has come in handy for me! I actually have a cardboard box that was used to contain wine aaand I was so overjoyed when everything fit perfectly!! :) I'm so glad I also interned at Miso Music too because I really wouldn't have a clue how to approach this packaging thing without having had a little experience designing apps, working on a point of purchase display, and such!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Dream

I actually have no idea where this is going--can't even quite explain it.

it's supposed to be common themes and emotions I have in my dreams--but the connection between the tarot cards and illustrating the emotions isn't clear @_@ ughh

hihi! I finally had a chance work on these -- I had to take out a few of the cards for concept and research's sake

I think I'm beginning to pick up some sort of color palette (yay?) here's just two of the cards--won't have a whole deck but I've based my research on Van de Castle's Quantative Coding System for dreams to help me better categorize my dreams and illustrate them better. I also am using tarot cards, connecting them to dreams using the meanings and emotions tied to them instead of the function they serve to reveal the future. 

December 02, 2012, 7:43 am

done with the project!!
I had to blur one of them out because of the language used.

December 7, 2012 7:06 p.m.

Alice's Tea Party

I've been pretty busy lately!! soo there's gonna be a couple more posts after this with all my wips. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Style: Alley cats in Pasadena

we're supposed to be emulating the style they used in 101 Dalmatians--here's my lineart so far--I need to make a few tweaks and additions.


09/28/12 value study for this scene

10/05/12 I actually went with a different lighting situation--still in the process of coloring it--D: ahh i can now see the places that need some improvement/clarification.


I've decided to take a break from my intro to maya stuff by....well doing more work haha! Here's a sneak peek of two of my pages for my style guide for style. Off to bed for now u_u 10/07/12 6:05am

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dark Bathroom

So I'm taking this class called "The Dream" and we are supposed to create a dream journal with some visual imagery. My mom was driving me in the car and was going to park in the garage but for some reason, the controller was downstairs on one of my bookshelves. When I got there, the bathroom door was wide open but it was pitch black in there. (There's actually a window in the bathroom so it would never actually be that dark) I tried to turn on the knob of the lamp next to me but it wouldn't work. I somehow knew that either I had disconnected it....or someone or something had gotten to it before I did.

sorry for the really sad iphone pic but I figured that I would have a ton of these by the end of term and won't put all of it on here. The watercolor pencils I used were great but I could have executed it a little better (perhaps less sloppy and thought about my colors more) but that will just come over time. On top of that, this isn't supposed to be some dazzling piece of art I put a lot of thought into--it is hard to not care about how you do art when you plan to have a career in it. =_=

This is done with watercolor pencils, a faber castel brush pen (permanent carmine), and some colored pencils here and there.

I have six classes this term and I tried to balance it out by choosing classes with what seems to be a manageable workload. But I will force myself to update with either crappy iphone pictures or crappy scans! :D

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

peach cobbler

Just a little peach cobbler I made for my mom last week. It was alright--I wanted to actually try the Aretha Franklin peach cobbler recipe but I was to lazy to make pie dough. Honestly, in all the pictures I took, it looks like fried chicken with chocolate and vanilla ice cream haha.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

thank you cards

I finally have my computer back!! ;_; I swear I'll take better care of it!! I refuse to give it up until after 6-7 years of use D:<'s a thank you card I'm working on to give to my relatives
the concept is kind of....hmmm I don't even think I get it haha but I'll do my best to explain

so I've always thought that every amazing artist has 'magic hands'. I think drawing and painting amazing things with simply paint, brushes, and paper...basically making something out of nothing and imagining things that aren't there is just simply magic. So that's where the magic hands come from!

On the cover, I have a plant on which these magic hands are growing and is being watered by some....magical water (aka my family supporting me in pursuing my dreams) haha (this is beginning to sound ridiculous haha).

Inside, I've cut off two of the magic hands and stuck them on my own and it inspires me to paint and be creative.

finally!! I can post pictures!! Firefox kept on giving me error messages on blogger whenever I tried to put up a picture. But here it is! OMG...I tried to give it a little brush texture by scanning hi-res images of sponge blots and dry brush things I made with ink on water color paper. It took FOREVER to scan it at 2400 dpi as a .TIF file. I gave up and tried to just scan it at 1600 dpi as a .JPEG--didn't take as long as the tif did but good took forever to just open the file on photoshop, took forever to just save it as a png, and took forever just to place it on adobe illustrator. I am never doing that again! There is too much waiting involved with this process I have no idea how my instructor goes about doing his illustrations that way @_@. My computer kept on freezing in the middle of saving/loading/moving--ick just terrible!!

anyways--the card turned out great!! :) i printed out both sides on ultra premium presentation matte paper and stuck them together--super thick card but it looks legit!! I just wish I put more space in there to write

September 4, 2012 4:11AM

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

new orleans bourbon street

sketch for the new orleans street scene (the last gdea assignment).
honestly, I was a little worried because I didn't feel like I could do enough research using books and the internet for Bourbon Street in the 1950s--material is sparse!! D:< it was pretty tough finding images to be inspired by...

so here's a little sneak peek at the colorized version--still need to put in the type and adjust some of the colors..I was working on it till six this morning and it just was not really working for me x_x--still trying to get the hang of using a limited color palettes...
I am trying my hardest not to render and put texture and shadows D:<

ack i forgot to update with a full pic of it!! but here is the finished product! i really wanted to add more detail to it--shadows and textures but it would be a little too overwhelming...but i really want to redo this piece in the style i wanted to do it in!

for the final week, i made some beignets and made a little display in front of my boards---not really the way i wanted it to look like :< but ugh i was running low on sleep! i'll do it again just to put on my blog

08/20/12 12:46 am

i watched paranorman a second time today! still love it just as much :) huhuhu i am planning to do some fanart and just print out zombie posters and put them in my room just for fun! :) let's make this break an awesome one! >:D

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ocean Science final poster

I am so going to hate myself for choosing to do this -_-
the assignment is to make a poster for the Aquarium of the Pacific--my tagline is "don't let pollution consume you"--pun 100% intended in my drawing haha

using a different approach to creating the shapes. i'm trying out Paul Roger's (my instructor) method of using the pen tool to make a line drawing...I usually just go straight to having the fill turned on with the color and everything...sooo let's see how this pans out--about 75% done with the line stuff

June 27, 2012 5:05 am


got past the boring part and now just adding shadow and light to make it pop more

June 27, 2012 10:36 pm

not much different than the last preview but here it is, completed

 tried to cram in my slogan thing there but there just isn't any room! :(