Monday, November 26, 2012

Silica 9000 paper toy and packaging detail shots


So I finally have this thing out of my head (except not really)
but here are just some detailed shots of my project
there are little crooks and crannies that don't quite match up and glue fuzzies here and there and that little loop in the spine of the manual is bothering me-- I will have to re-do some things but I'm really looking forward to putting together her fellow butler, Salix 9000
I still need to make a little stand for her to stand on and maybe a little suitcase?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Honolulu Zoo

little update~~
11/24/12 3 AM
tweaked my comp considerably~~the bamboo type is kind of getting busy and then the 'zoo' part looks a little awkward-probably gonna revise that

11/24/12 4:29 p.m
some value and color studies!!
4:32 am

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Robot butler and maid paper toys: Salix and Silica 9000

Working on one of my finals because the class got pushed to week 14 ;_; soo hoping to finish it really soon so I have more time to work on other things....

11/25/12 2:33pm
Hello again! I've gotten quite far with this project. It's something I absolutely cannot get out of my head--I can't stop thinking about it because I'm just so excited to finish it haha. I don't know if I've ever felt this way about a project before but I am seriously having the time of my life on this one haha, I've been up till 6-7 am almost every morning this week just working on this thing. Sadly I think I can only do one for the final but I am expecting it to be kick ass!! 

Meet Silica 9000, the all-in-one robot. (And yes, like the small silica packages in shoe boxes that tell you to not eat them)

I was finally able to find a box for it--you know when you get a piece of junk that you think you might use in the future so you keep saving it and think about whether or not to throw it away? Well this is one of those cases where being a pack rat has come in handy for me! I actually have a cardboard box that was used to contain wine aaand I was so overjoyed when everything fit perfectly!! :) I'm so glad I also interned at Miso Music too because I really wouldn't have a clue how to approach this packaging thing without having had a little experience designing apps, working on a point of purchase display, and such!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Dream

I actually have no idea where this is going--can't even quite explain it.

it's supposed to be common themes and emotions I have in my dreams--but the connection between the tarot cards and illustrating the emotions isn't clear @_@ ughh

hihi! I finally had a chance work on these -- I had to take out a few of the cards for concept and research's sake

I think I'm beginning to pick up some sort of color palette (yay?) here's just two of the cards--won't have a whole deck but I've based my research on Van de Castle's Quantative Coding System for dreams to help me better categorize my dreams and illustrate them better. I also am using tarot cards, connecting them to dreams using the meanings and emotions tied to them instead of the function they serve to reveal the future. 

December 02, 2012, 7:43 am

done with the project!!
I had to blur one of them out because of the language used.

December 7, 2012 7:06 p.m.

Alice's Tea Party

I've been pretty busy lately!! soo there's gonna be a couple more posts after this with all my wips. 