I decided to improve my momohime cosplay from halloween/pmx--unfortunately I didn't take the time to take a photo of it myself. However, my photo was taken by Oscar and featured on Giant Robot! Kudos to you mister! I didn't really think my poses through >A< but nevertheless, I feel like all the effort my mom and I put into the costume really paid off.
photo by Oscar Rios from Giant Robot |
My mom sewed the kimono with the obi and bow. I sprayed and hand painted the flowers on the sleeve, obi, and bow (which you can't really see). I also did the shoulder armor, gauntlets, sword, socks, flower hairpiece, and hair comb.
I ended up doing a lot of things last minute like starting over my on my sword three days before the convention (which made a HUGE difference) aaand assembling the shoulder pad things the night before the convention. =A= ohh mann...it really felt like week 7 at art center haha
but I really thought nothing of it as I dragged myself there on Friday with pretty much only 2 hours of sleep under my belt. 2 hours of sleep does not make you a very happy cosplayer e__e
I got so many compliments and pictures---it's been a while since I've cosplayed.
All of that really makes me want to do it even more and get better at it. Before, it really mattered to me that people took photos but this time, I did it just for myself and I found that I was way happier doing that!
but arg!! I also have to think about school too and practicing to get better at that as well. =_= I feel so divided! I don't know what to do!!
I also saw Akusesu cosplaying Elsword along with all the other characters from the same game and I was just blown away!! I really look up to her and several others ( like camilliette and her crew!). It's so surreal to meet/see them in person because I honestly feel like I'm talking to a celebrity >3< I still get nervous and don't really know what to say TAT